About This Content Ahoy, matey! Fancy a sweet trade to face those rotten landlubbers?Here, take a cocked hat I found on another head, a mighty cutlass and ye’old green parrot for a companion. This DLC contains:Headgear (tricorn).A weapon (cutlass).A pet (green parrot).The DLC items will be available in your private trunk located in Kovac's bunker. 7aa9394dea Title: How To Survive 2 - Pirates of the Bayou Skin PackGenre: Action, Adventure, RPGDeveloper:Eko SoftwarePublisher:505 GamesRelease Date: 27 Oct, 2016 How To Survive 2 - Pirates Of The Bayou Skin Pack Crack Cd goodies are nice in all. Yo Ho Ho, and a Bottle of Rum ! This DLC contains the Pirate hat (30% damage reduction), the Pirate's saber (around 2500 DPS) and the green Parrot pet : Hunger gauge + 50% Thirst gauge + 50% Distance infected detected + 2000m Scavenging ability + 200% Weight bonus 30Another nice DLC to become, this time, a Pirate survivor !. Parrot, pirate hat and a blade , good enough. goodies are nice in all. Just because it still seems to be an issue with Negative Reviews.Great Items but their use depends on your Play StyleIn the First Bunker at that Very Beginning of the Game, The Items are in the Trunk.
How To Survive 2 - Pirates Of The Bayou Skin Pack Crack Cd
Updated: Mar 19, 2020