About This Game The story is about a guy who has lost meaning in his life, because of the tragic death of his girlfriend. Drunk and depressed, he got behind the wheel of his car, determined to commit suicide in the same spot where she died. Somehow he survived the accident, but fell into a coma, and his soul is now wandering the world of the dead where a new story unfolds. a09c17d780 Title: Coma: MortuaryGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Nova Dimension, Naga EntertainmentPublisher:Naga Entertainment, Nova DimensionRelease Date: 12 May, 2014 Coma: Mortuary Key Serial Number I went into this game with somewhat high hopes. It looked very atmospheric and had an interesting concept, and it still does, but unfortunately it falls flat. The game looks great and is very unsettling, giving you feelings of despair and loneliness. It makes you feel like something is going to get you at any moment. The game also had a interesting concept or idea around the story, that death affects more than those who die, that one death can affect and hurt many people. While I loved the idea behind the story, the game ended up disappointing me for a few reasons. Mainly because its short, its badly paced, and this game was supposed to have sequels, but they never came out, so the story is unfinished. It also had some bad design choices, like blaring rock\/metal music during a chase scene, that just killed the atmosphere in my opinion. I also had a problem where after I died from an enemy (the only enemy) I was stuck moving slowly, so there was no way I could finish the game, without restarting it completely, because she would just kill me over and over again.I posted a video about my thoughts here if you are interestedhttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=NMyXVmkur-4Overall, it starts off nice, but it disappoints. I wish it had done more and didnt end everything on a cliffhanger.. It's evident that a couple of people inspired by the Penumbra series wanted to take a shot at making a slow paced mystical exploration horror game with focus on eery atmosphere rather than combat and jump scares. With this first part, which is supposed to act like an intro of sorts, they brought me from sceptical (I bought it on a sale so I paid almost nothing at all - so I didn't expect anything really), to underwhelmed, to a bit intrigued, back down to underwhelmed and landed on sceptical.If they put in more effort on the coming episodes, especially when it comes to character models and the AI, then I think it will be at least worth a purchase. As this episode stands, I would not recommend it to the general public - but I _would_ recommend it to horror lovers and people with a genuine interest of games of this type. The atmosphere is absolutely nailed at some parts, while it's completely ruined at others. If I were to give it one of those oneliner judgements, I'd say "barely passable". If it's on sale again then yes, pick it up. You might enjoy it!. There isnt much to say about this game other than its just plain dull. It gives you no reason why or direction to what your supposed to be doing. Which basically consists of walking around aimlessly down corridor after corridor pulling the odd lever every now and then. The monotone mutterings of the narrator about angels and demons doesnt help matters either making you care even less about the supposed story. Also there are no puzzle elements here, you are simply trying to find the exit to the cut-and-paste surroundings. The movement speed also has to be mentioned as your character moves so damn slow. Which I can only think was purposely put in to extend what is already a short experience.The only redeeming qualities are the graphics and sound design, which aren't too bad at all. Although the death-metal style choice for the one short chase scene seems SO out of place.Overall very disappointing and I can't recommend this no matter the price. Hopefully the other episodes are more entertaining.. So a man walks into a catacomb.slowly, really, but just enough to make you want to run the \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 outta there so you don't have to hear all the \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ed up\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665coming from everywhere you dont want noises to come from.No place that actually SHOULD contain a jumpscare does so, and the spooky\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665that COMES outta nowhere wont leave you alone: when you get to do something when your nerves are completely wrecked from all the odd noises, you will panic.and do it all wrong.and you will die.horribly.then trial and error.god damn i hate this game so much i love it!my \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ed up nerves were definetely worth the 4.99\u20ac i paid.The sad story is truly sad, and if i woulnt leave computer once in a while to regular bathroom visits, i would most likely cry to the story alone.i loved it.. Short Version:Pros:+Nice visuals+Interesting concept+Decent voice actingCons:-Horrible walking speed-Short-Not tense nor scary-Boring Puzzles-Nothing makes any real sense-Ending is disappointing"Long" Version:Ah, "Coma Mortuary"... A game about death! Sounds interesting.Ok so, I got this game for 50 cents or something and I really wanted to like it...Unfortunately, this game is, as many people pointed out before me, a walking simulator. Yes, there is some very basic fun to be had but, in the end, this game managed to bore me to... DEATH (heh)!Anyways, you play as a nameless guy who lost his girlfriend. He decides to commit suicide, but finds himself trapped in a bizarre world. Sounds interesting, right? Unfortunately, nothing really delivers. Everything starts off intriguing, but after a couple of areas, you realize what you are in for - a snooze-fest. The game doesn't really have an ending because it was meant to be a trilogy, so you're pretty much playing a third of a game.Gameplay is trash. You can walk slowly or walk... Slower... I am serious. I pressed shift to run and the character walked even slower - the fastest walking speed is painfully tedious and, considering the game has a few parts where you need to backtrack, this was even more annoying. I get it, walking CAN build tension but in this case... Frustration ensued. You can also interact with levers but it's all really easy and dumb. The "puzzles" require a certain lever sequence to be solved but you can't even press the wrong lever or anything, you just need to find the one that can be pulled and you're done.There's a part towards the end that allows you to run - it comes out of nowhere and the soundtrack turns into a heavy metal cacophony that left me "WTF".Voice acting is serviceable but the guy goes on and on about some nonsense about "the place" he is in. I mean, I'm all for a deep understanding of death and hidden meanings but this bordered on ridiculous. Also, there are a lot of parts where the character is quiet and the only thing you can hear is your footsteps - yet again, not scary , boring."Coma: Mortuary" looks really good. Even though the flashlight effect only works close to the character, the game world had an "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" feel to it and everything looked better than expected.So yeah, a cheap, hour long game with pretty graphics, where nothing else works.Do I recommend it? No. I'm sort of easily scared by games and I didn't even flinch once with this one.Final Score: 3 out of 10.
Coma: Mortuary Key Serial Number
Updated: Mar 19, 2020